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How do I do an activity/quest?

The activities and quests are marked by A and Q icon in the map. To go to an activity click on the “Explore” button then click on the activity/quest name in the map. This will teleport you to the activity/quest. Now click on the signboard to start the activity or quest. You can also walk to an activity they are marked by a floating diamond with A or Q. 

How do I obtain a pet?

To obtain a pet, use the portal to Wild Lands located in SOl next to the pet stand. Once in Wildlands, speak to Joel and complete his quest.

How do I summon a pet ?

To summon your pet click on the pet button located at the bottom of you screen. Then select a pet and click on the equip button. The pet will follow you whever ever you go. To dismiss the pet, click on the pet button and click on unequip.

How do I play Battle for Aisle 6 ?

To play, travel to SOL by opening explore buttton.  Once in SOL use the portal located on the beach next to shoping cart with guns and travel to the Battle for Aisle 6.